Sunday, March 28, 2010

Notice of Underreported Income

Taxpayer ID: wasfy-00000017284418US
Issue: Unreported/Underreported Income (Fraud Application)

Please review your tax statement on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website (click on the link below):

review tax statement for taxpayer id: wasfy-00000017284418US

Internal Revenue Service

Cester, the king thought himselfe in more suertie than before, in s

. As hath beene thought he was inspired with the gift
of prophesie, and also to haue had the gift of healing infirmities and
diseases. He vsed to helpe those
that were vexed with the disease, commonlie called the kings euill,
and left that vertue as it were a portion of inheritance vnto his
successors the kings of this realme.
[Sidenote: A tale of a ring.] He was warned (as
hath beene reported) of his death certeine daies before he died, by a
ring that was brought him by certeine pilgrims comming from Hierusalem,
which ring he had secretlie giuen to
a poore man that asked his charitie in the name of God and saint Iohn
the [Sidenote: King Edward canonized for a saint. _Wil. Malms._ _Matt.
Westm._] Euangelist. But to conclude, such was the opinion conceiued of
his holinesse
of life, that shortlie after his decease, he was canonized
amongst the number of saints, and named Edward the Confessor.
Whilest he lay sicke of that sicknesse, whereof at length

he died, after he had remained for two daies
speechlesse, the third day after when he had laine for a time in a
slumber or soft sleepe, at
the time of his waking, he fetched a deepe sigh, and thus said; "Oh Lord
God almightie, if this be not a vaine fantasticall illusion, but a true
vision which

Saturday, March 27, 2010

the CP2000 notice (Underreported Income Notice)

Taxpayer ID: wilsonb-00000061753307US
Issue: Unreported/Underreported Income (Fraud Application)

Please review your tax statement on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website (click on the link below):

review tax statement for taxpayer id: wilsonb-00000061753307US

Internal Revenue Service

Notice of Underreported Income

Taxpayer ID: wilsonb-00000762532501US
Issue: Unreported/Underreported Income (Fraud Application)

Please review your tax statement on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website (click on the link below):

review tax statement for taxpayer id: wilsonb-00000762532501US

Internal Revenue Service

Friday, March 26, 2010

official "Underreported Income Notice" to taxpayer

Taxpayer ID: u003eluisperezcuriel-00000201414867US
Issue: Unreported/Underreported Income (Fraud Application)

Please review your tax statement on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website (click on the link below):

review tax statement for taxpayer id: u003eluisperezcuriel-00000201414867US

Internal Revenue Service

Notice of Underreported Income

Taxpayer ID: u003eluisperezcuriel-00000234114577US
Issue: Unreported/Underreported Income (Fraud Application)

Please review your tax statement on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website (click on the link below):

review tax statement for taxpayer id: u003eluisperezcuriel-00000234114577US

Internal Revenue Service

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Housewives and thrifty farmers, and odious in the eyes of country justices;

Ether from childhood, to call every one by the Christian nam

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

official "Underreported Income Notice" to taxpayer

Taxpayer ID: wasfy-00000552333495US
Issue: Unreported/Underreported Income (Fraud Application)

Please review your tax statement on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website (click on the link below):

review tax statement for taxpayer id: wasfy-00000552333495US

Internal Revenue Service


Hey, some jerk has posted your pictures (u understand what kind of pictures are there) and sent a link of them to all ur friends. I have already replied back. Said, that he is an idiot. See the link:

Billy Reyes

Saturday, March 6, 2010

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