Worme, by stemming of blood, by healing of Horse-crookes, by turning
of the riddle, or doing of such like innumerable
things by wordes, without applying
anie thing, meete to the part offended, as Mediciners
doe; Or else by staying maried folkes, to haue naturallie
adoe with other, (by knitting so manie knottes vpon a poynt at the
time of their mariage). And such-like things,
which men vses to practise in their merrinesse:
For fra vnlearned men (being naturallie curious, and lacking the true
knowledge of God) findes these practises to prooue true, as sundrie of
them will doe,
by the power of the Devill for deceauing men, and not by anie inherent
vertue in these vaine wordes and freites; & being desirous to winne a
reputation to themselues in such-like turnes, they either (if they be
of the shamefaster sorte) seeke to bee learned by some that are
experimented in that Arte, (not knowing it to be euill at the first)
or else being of the grosser sorte, runnes directlie to the Deuill for
ambition or desire of gaine, and plainelie contractes
with him thereupon. PHI. But me thinkes these meanes which
yee call the Schoole and rudimentes of the Deuill, are thinges
lawfull, and haue bene approoued for such in all times
and ages: As in special, this science of _Astrologie_, which is one
of the speciall members of the _Mathematicques_. EPI. There are two
thinges which the learned haue obserued from the beginning, in the
science of the Heauenlie Creatures, the Planets, Starres, and such
like: The one is their course
and ordinary motiones, which for t